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Management Report - End of Month Enrollment (2005)

ChildPlus Software created this report when the Head Start Bureau announced that they were requiring grantees to submit enrollment information three times a year. You can use it to generate your end of month enrollment numbers. This report shows participants and pregnant mother who were either enrolled on the specified Reporting Date or were dropped and not replaced within 30 days prior to the Reporting Date.ChildPlus calculates turnover during the replacement period by filling all funded slots before replacing dropped participants. 

The overall Total on report 2005 is the total number of participants enrolled on the Reporting Date (i.e. Actual Enrollment), plus the total number of participants who were dropped less than 30 days prior to the reporting date and have not yet been replaced (a/k/a vacancies). An important thing to remember about this report is that it is not a report for the entire month, it is a report on enrollment for the date you enter in the Calculate End of Enrollment for field.


ChildPlus uses funded enrollment to calculate open slots on this report. Because of this, ChildPlus requires that you provide funded enrollment information for each program term and classroom that is included on the report. If you have not entered funded enrollment information for your program terms or classrooms (this information is set by clicking Setup > Agency Configuration > Program Info), ChildPlus will display a warning message if there are classrooms that you still need to provide funded enrollment information for. 


How do I Verify the Total Number of Participants Enrolled?


To verify the total number of participants enrolled on the Calculate End of Enrollment for date, you will need to run report 2001 - Management Report Enrollment in SnapShot Mode for the reporting date for Enrolled participants only. This will verify the number of enrolled participants on that day. To do this, you will need to use the following report setup criteria:



Verifying Vacancies and Replacements


To verify the vacancies and see which participants were replaced as well as who their replacement was, you can run report 2210 - Enrollment Turnover. To do this, you will need to use the following report setup criteria:



Count Participants That Transferred as Withdrawn Options


If the Count participants that transferred as withdrawn if… option is checked, it will affect the report in the following ways:



CollapsedSetup Options for this Report


CollapsedView the Fields Available on this Report 


CollapsedReport Example




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